I decided to go bold with the red & wear a vintage dress that was my mom's in the 70s! Typically, I wear very few bold colours (I'm an all-black gal) and I'm not very good at implementing too many vintage pieces into daily wear either. I told Sam that I really wanted to try to dress a little more "70s" this year, so this was my first stab at it :) I don't think I look particularly 70s boho, but it's a change!

prescription sunglasses from zennioptical.com, gold leaf hairband from UO, dress from my momma, cardi & jacket from ub, pixie wedge boots by jeffrey campbell

another first: curling my SHORT hair! seems like an acceptable practice in this growing-out phase. not sure if I like it that much yet.

Lacking any bright red pieces in her wardrobe other than some skinny jeans, Sam decided to go small on the red details. Her head & feet seem to say Pocahontas, & her body says ballerina girl :)

hairband made by sam, dress from ub, wool coat by talula babaton, mukluks from softmoc.

We feasted on some Indian hakka/Szechuan food for dinner & snacked on all the lovely treats we've been making all week! Pretty good day! I didn't realize that at the end of the night we would be facing another dumping of snow. It had snowed another couple of inches, making for slow-driving conditions. In the approx 50km drive home, we saw about 4 accidents... one was a snowplow truck fallen in the ditch of the highway! Crazy. DRIVE SLOW DUDEZ.
Anyone doing anything fun for the superbowl? I typically go to "superbowl parties" but it's basically an excuse to eat horribly unhealthily for a day & watch a half-time show. haha.

OMG the red dress is SOOOO good!!!!!!!!!! Love both outfits!
ReplyDeletewe're sad we didn't get a chance to get all dolled up like you guys (you are both so cute!) we've been working hard on this whole "real" website thing and trying to take every bit of advice you've given us. We did get a chance to stop and eat and are currently too full to move.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are SO adorable. That red dress is KILLER and those cateye glasses are to die for!
lovin' the outfits! so cute how you guys celebrate chinese new years with all these food ~endeavors~. totes forcing my future family LOL
ReplyDeleteYou guys are SO adorable. That red dress is KILLER and those cateye glasses are to die for!
OMG the red dress is SOOOO good!!!!!!!!!! Love both outfits!
ReplyDeleteGreat hair, Syl! I love that sheer neckline on the red dress too! Fab!